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the global resource center for everyone interested in the thinking of Donna Haraway! This Wiki was started to support the participants in the Haraway Circles series of meetings at West Den Haag.

Please make an account and contribute to this resource. If you want to comment on an article, please Start a Discussion . If you would like to discuss more informally, you can join our discord server.


This is an old revision of the document!

Welcome to the HaraWiki

the global collaborative resource for all things Haraway!

Donna Haraway is one of the most exciting and challenging thinkers of our day. In her efforts to overcome many of the overdetermining strictures, prejudices, and paradigmatic assumptions of written exposition, she has forged an original, constantly evolving vocabulary which is rich and resonant with references, wit and irony. This Wiki is a place to stay with the trouble Haraway is stirring up, explore individual words, phrases, full publications and important reference, and importantly also to help people who attempt to translate Haraway into other languages.

This Wiki is intended as a place of encounter for all those working with Donna Haraway's thinking. Please register and create an account, join the discussions and contribute to the resource.

The DokuWiki was initiated by, a contemporary arts institution based in The Hague as a complement to their program

start.1617048679.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/29 22:11 by baruch