Richard Sides
Project(s) at West
Sound Spill
*1985 United Kingdom — works and lives in London

2010 - 2012
MA Sculpture, Royal College of Art, London
2005 - 2008
BA(Hons) Contemporary Fine Art, Sheffield Hallam

recent exhibitions (selection)
GS 3, An Echo Button Event, Chisenhale Gallery
LuckyPDF Live Broadcasts, Frieze Art Fair, London
Truth (Online),
Off-Site, Rod Barton, London
Gewaltopia and Other Places, Flat Time House, London
Abstrated Instance, David Risley, Copenhagen
Elizabeth House, Waterloo
(In the days of the) ROID, Crate Project Space, Margate
The Joyful System... , SPACE, London
Gone with the Wind, Raven Row, London
On Revolutions for the Heavenly Spheres, Supplement Gallery, London
SAGS, The Woodmill
Artprojx Cinema, The Armory, New York
Good to see how busy you've been, Quare, London
BYOB London
Elephants at The Woodmill - Nicolas Party
Abandoned Archives and Forgotten Histories Remembered, Close-up
Expanded - Projections by Thorbjorn Andersen, Modtar, Copenhagen
Chromatologies, Rotherham
Enjoy Evol, Enjoy Artspace, Leeds
Initial Points 1,2 & 3 (Performance), The Woodmill
Systematic Studio Performance, 176 - The Zabludowicz Collection, London
Relatively Prime, Galerie Stadtpark, Krems, Austria
The Devil's Necktie, The Woodmill, London
pointintocircleintoplane (w/ Jim Howieson), Unit 3b, Sheffield
Trade City (w/ Haroon Mirza), CHIPS Building, Manchester
Gestalt II, Outlet Gallery, Manchester
Sound Spill, S1 Artspace, Sheffield
A partially joyless carousel of quantics, Supplement Gallery, London
Performance, Radiator Festival, Backlit Gallery, Nottingham
Contested Ground, 176 - The Zablodowicz Collection, London

Curatorial Practice
Computer music for eight speakers
Who is the master who makes the grass green, Studio event
Bus Editions, Ongoing
Pale Blue Dot / Mark Fell - Coherence and Proximity, The Woodmill
Man in the Dark (w/Alastair Frazer, Thom O'Nions, Naomi Pearce), The Woodmill
Radical Sound Practices, The Woodmill
Reading a Wave (w/ Thom O'Nions), The Woodmill
There is no solution because there is no problem (w/ Angharad Williams), Various, Sheffield