Patrick Bernatchez
Lost in Time
05.09.2015 — 03.10.2015Lost in Time
Patrick Bernatchez
Lost in Time
05.09.2015 — 03.10.2015Lost in Time

Lost in Time is a new exhibition by Patrick Bernatchez presented at West. In 2012, an early instalment of Lost In Time was screened, where a special watch in which the needle goes around one time in 1,000 years. This year, the final instalment of Lost in Time is presented alongside Chrysalides Empereur. Bernatchez is a visual artist who creates vivid and dramatic works by using various mediums, regularly collaborating with composers, filmmakers, photograohers and a watchmaker. The passage of time, death as well as the process of decay and renewal are recurring themes in his work. The masterful creations by Bernatchez also reference individual, social and cosmic life cycles; Bernatchez confronts us with our own mortality.