Day 1

Model for energetic dialogue by the moderators Dr. phil. Baruch Gottlieb & Steffi Winkler.

Dr. Rainer Guldin
Cotton Wool. On Flusserian Terminology

Dr. Fiona Hanley
Encountering Bibliophagus: An Aesthetics of Reading

Peter Mahr
Flusser, phenomenology and television art

Prof. Dr. Polona Tratnik
The concept of an artist in Flusser's thought'

Prof. Dr. Marcel René Marburger
From Science to Fiction-considering Vilém Flusser

Synthesis of the first day — Flusser Talks

Day 2

Model for energetic dialogue by the Moderators

Prof. Dr. Simone Osthoff Raising the Temperature of the Conversation in the 21st Century

Katerina Krtilova
Can we think computation only in numbers?

Arjen Mulder
Dialogical images in an environment of data

Synthesis of the last day — Closing talk