Code of Conduct 1.1 (January 15th, 2025)
West Den Haag is committed to creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all employees, volunteers, visitors, and partners. This Code of Conduct establishes clear expectations and fosters a positive, supportive culture within our community.
1. Respect and Professionalism
1.1. Diversity and Inclusion: We actively strive for diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our organization. This includes valuing different perspectives and creating opportunities for people from all walks of life.
1.2. Zero Tolerance: Discrimination in any form is not tolerated. We stand for equality, fairness, and respect for everyone.
1.3. Professional Conduct: All employees, volunteers, and partners are expected to conduct themselves professionally and treat colleagues, visitors, and participants of our events with respect.
2. Communication
2.1. Open and Respectful: We encourage open communication and resolve disagreements constructively and respectfully.
2.2. Appropriate Language: Inappropriate, offensive, or discriminatory language is not acceptable.
3. Safety and Well-Being
3.1. Safe Environment: We provide a safe space where harassment, bullying, and abuse are not tolerated.
3.2. Reporting Incidents: Incidents of inappropriate behavior should be reported promptly to a manager or a designated confidential advisor.
3.3. Unacceptable Behavior: Intimidating, threatening, disrespectful, or boundary-crossing behavior is not tolerated.
3.4. Unwanted Intimacies: All forms of (sexual) harassment or inappropriate behavior are strictly prohibited and will be addressed seriously.
4. Creativity and Expression
4.1. Creative Freedom: Artistic and creative expression is supported, as long as it aligns with the legal and ethical standards of West Den Haag.
4.2. Respect for Intellectual Property: Plagiarism and unauthorized use of materials are prohibited without the creator’s consent.
5. Mutual Understanding
5.1. Community Spirit: We value everyone’s contribution and encourage mutual understanding.
5.2. Collaboration and Exchange: Collaboration and knowledge sharing are promoted in a spirit of respect and mutual understanding.
6. Non-Commercial Interests
6.1. Independence: Decisions within West Den Haag are not driven by commercial interests.
6.2. Transparency: We strive for honesty, transparency, and integrity.
7. Sustainability and Responsibility
7.1. Sustainability: We strive for the sustainable use of materials and resources.
7.2. Ecological Responsibility: We actively take steps to minimize our ecological footprint and encourage sustainable behavior.
8. Responsibility and Integrity
8.1. Personal Responsibility: Everyone is responsible for their own behavior and for adhering to this Code of Conduct.
8.2. Integrity: Act honestly, respectfully, and with transparency.
Final Provisions
This Code of Conduct serves as a guideline and is not an exhaustive list of rules. West Den Haag reserves the right to take action against behavior that contradicts the spirit of this code. Let us work together to create an inclusive and safe environment where everyone feels welcome and valued.